Archive | December, 2022

Gratitude #170

6 Dec

Tis the Season: The time of the year around Christmas, it is during the winter holidays.

Hello, my gratitude family and friends! Welcome to blog post #170, how exciting it is to know that I have written that many blog posts, to God be the Glory. It’s such a blessing to me because I never saw this when I first started blogging, I just wanted and outlet for my gratitude during a time in life that was hard for me. How grateful I am to still be writing, and very grateful to all of you that continue to follow me and read my posts.

I am grateful because it’s the most wonderful time of the year! I am a huge fan of everything about this time of year, Xmas music, and Xmas movies are my all-time favorite. Now just allow me to say to those of you that may not be fond of the music or the movies, that’s okay, but you have no idea of what you are missing out on. I try to tune into 100.3 WNIC as much as I can, for my Xmas music thrills. For my Xmas movies I am all over the place, Hallmark Countdown to Xmas is just one channel that I tune in to.

However, there are many out there who love Xmas movies just as much as I do, and I am sure you can relate to why Xmas movies are so enjoyable. Again, for those of you that don’t like them or just don’t even take the time to watch them please allow me to explain to you why I love them.

One thing that I can say is so special about Xmas movies is the coziness of them. There’s nothing like snuggling up with a soft blanket, Xmas lights, or even perhaps a tree in the background, and a Xmas movie on the flat screen. I love getting lost in a town full of miracles, love and family. That for me makes for a perfect Xmas movie watching day, or evening.

Xmas movies warm my heart, they are tear-jerkers, and there is usually a good message at the end. Some may think that the movies or the endings are typical, that maybe you can figure it out as soon as you start watching it, but still, that’s the joy of it, you know you are going to get that happy ending. Cheesy, lol maybe, but fun and enjoyable at the same time.

Tis the season to be hopeful, to expect miracles, and to be inspired to give from your heart. I just feel like with everything going on in the world, all the heartbreaking news stories, the hatred, and evil that surrounds us every day, to have something that brings me joy, laughter, hope, and inspiration is worth talking about and being grateful for. A good Xmas movie is like a warm blanket, and I will wrap myself in that as much as I can.

I would love to hear about what inspires you this time of year. Are you inspired by a favorite Xmas movie, maybe you get inspired to bake at this time of year, or the spirit of giving comes over you, or maybe you get into a decorating frenzy? Maybe it’s the togetherness of family, (my absolute favorite). Whatever it is I would love to hear about it.

Thank you for reading blog post #170. May God bless each one of you with peace, joy, faith, hope, and love.